Chapter 1:
- Preparing the lab environment
- Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements
- Installing BackTrack
- Practical part - installation of BackTrack
- Access Point Settings
- Practical part - access point configuration
- Settings Wireless Network Card
- Practical part - wireless card settings
- Access Point Settings
- Practical part - configuring your wireless card
- Summary
- WLAN and its inherent insecurities
- Review the WLAN frames
- Practical part - creating an interface in monitor mode
- Practical part - wireless packet sniffing
- Practical part - display management, control and data frames
- Time for action - data packet sniffing our network
- Practical part - packet injection
- Important Note on WLAN sniffing and injection
- Practical part - experimenting with your Alfa card
- Role of wireless regulatory domains
- Practical part - experimenting with your Alfa card
- Summary
- Avoid WLAN authentication (bypassing WLAN)
- Hidden SSID
- Practical part - finding hidden SSID
- MAC Filters
- Time for action - beating MAC filters
- Open Authentication
- Practical part - avoid open authentication (bypassing Open Auth)
- Shared Key Authentication
- Practical part - keep shared authentication
- Summary
- WLAN encryption Defects
- WLAN Encryption
- WEP Encryption
- Practical part - WEP cracking
- Practical part - passphrase cracking WPA-PSK weak
- Accelerate cracking WPA/WPA2 PSK
- Practical part - speed up the cracking process
- Cracking WEP and WPA packets
- Practical part - WEP and WPA decrypt packets
- Connecting to WEP and WPA networks
- Practical part - connection to a WEP network
- Practical part - connecting to a WPA
- Summary
- Attacks on the WLAN Infrastructure
- Default accounts and credentials on the access point
- Practical part - cracking default accounts access points
- Denial of Service Attacks
- Practical part - De-authentication attack DoS
- Pairing malicious access point spoofing MAC
- Practical part - Pairing malicious spoofing MAC
- Unauthorized access point
- Practical part - unauthorized access point
- Summary
- Attacking Customer
- My honeypot and disassociation attacks
- Practical part - orchestrating a disassociation attack
- Caffe Latte Attack
- Practical part - conducting the attack Caffe Latte
- Des-authentication attacks and des-asosciación
- Practical part - des-client authentication
- Atque Hirte
- Practical part - WEP cracking attacks Hirte
- AP-less WPA-Personal cracking
- Time for action - AP-less WPA cracking
- Summary
- Advanced WLAN Attacks
- Man-in-the-middle
- Practical part - Man-in-the-middle
- Listens wirelessly via MITM
- Practical part - wireless listening
- LAN session hijacking (Hijacking)
- Practical part - LAN session hijacking
- Find the security settings on the client
- Practical part - enumerating wireless security profiles
- Summary
- Attacking WPA-Enterprise and RADIUS
- Creating-WPE freeradius
- Practical part - creating the WPE freeradius-AP
- Attack PEAP
- Practical part - cracking PEAP
- EAP-TTLS Attack
- Practical part - cracking EAP-TTLS
- Best security practices for businesses
- Summary
- Methodology wireless penetration testing
- Wireless Penetration Testing
- Planning
- Discovery
- Practical part - finding wireless devices
- Attack
- Finding rogue access points
- Find unauthorized clients
- Encryption techniques
- Engage customers
- Reporting
- Summary
- Conclusions and roadmap
- Finishing
- Building a Wi-Fi advanced laboratory
- Keeping up
- Conclusion
- Pop Quiz Answers
Chapter 1, wireless laboratory settings
Chapter 2, WLAN and its inherent insecurities
Chapter 3, to avoid WLAN authentication
Chapter 4 WLAN encryption defects
Chapter 5 WLAN infrastructure attacks
Chapter 6 customer attacking
Chapter 7 Advanced WLAN Attacks
Chapter 8, attacking WPA Enterprise and RADIUS
Chapter 9, Methodology wireless penetration testing
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