Saturday, September 14, 2013

Backtrack: Getting Started "Experience"

Well, as many of you, I thought that this would work with an OS (Operating System) computer security oriented and today I have a couple of conclusions will discuss in this article.
For starters, it is very important before any movement, have supported our team, but all are solvable problems we face concerning partitions and lost, it would not hurt this tedious step.
Once we have that done, I recommend using Partition Magic in the case of Windows and Gparted in Linux, I use both systems: Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.10.

In my case, leave 3 partitions, the Windows, Back Track (Ext3) and data.

Well once ready, we will record our image Back Track on a DVD or on a USB ...
Here begins the problem for some, as it was also for me, having a Netbook me to go through this extra step but well, can be configured with a list of commands from Windows as an administrator ... or you can just download the program let you -here-

"A little explanation of the program: It runs, you give the" I agree "if your operating system is not listed, down to the bottom and hit" Try Unlisted Linux ISO "tells you to select the image to be recorded, you give in the letter of your destination device and "Create"

The program I found really useful ...

Okay, to continue, we can botear from our pendrive, before selecting the option from that drive botear clearly, configured from the BIOS.

We give the first option and you ... Sometimes it happens that starts hard or bad sample images, so I get to where you have the income Login root / toor and I press Enter a few times, I really do not know if my computer will be error, the version or just so .
Then and gives us another option where we write "startx" which is to start the GUI.

So far I could only tell because I was doing it on my computer, I had no way to take pictures.

Well, on the desktop we can see the logo of Install BackTrack, we double click and go setting the required options, as I said earlier in the time of partition the disk, formatted in Ext3 gave but sometimes gave me some problems , can be tested in Ext4, if they know of what I speak, and insurance will be when they show those options.
Another thing that gives a bit of trouble, is asking for a root file, in this case can choose from a list that suits them, and the rest is choose the language and stuff but be very careful, test well can write well, especially with the -, _ and accents. (Critical thing to use an OS) and hope that this work, while giving the time to completion of the installation, reboot and we have Back Track as SO.

In my opinion, something very annoying in Back Track, was the use of "STARTX" to start, so we'll see how save this unnecessary step.

The next step is to open a command prompt and type the following:

root @ bt: ~ # aptitude install rungetty
root @ bt: ~ # gedit / etc/init/tty1.conf

In the last line you add a # so remain as comment, Save the file, next step:

root @ bt: ~ # gedit / root / .bash_profile

Opens a document, type "startx" (without quotes), save and close.
Reboot your system and prove that such a stay.

Until next time ...



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