Saturday, September 14, 2013

Webcruiser - Scan web Vulnerable

WebCruiser - Web Vulnerability Scanner a títulocompacto but powerful web analytics tool that will help you in auditing your site! It has a vulnerability scanner and a series of security tools.

It can support scanning website as well as POC (Proof of concept) for web vulnerabilities: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.. 
Therefore, it is also a tool WebCruiser automatic SQL injection, XPath injection tool, and a Cross Site Scripting tool!
* Chains (Web Directories and files); 
* Vulnerability Scanner: SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting, XPath Injection etc.; 
* SQL Injection Scanner; 
* SQL Injection Tool: GET / POST / Cookieinyección POC (Proof of Concept); 
* SQL Injection for SQL Server: plain text / Union / Blind Injection; 
* SQL Injection for MySQL: plain text / / injection Ciegosde Union; 
* SQL Injection for Oracle: plain text / Union / Blind / Injection CrossSite; 
* SQL Injection for DB2: Union / Blind Injection; 
* SQL Injection for Access: Union / Blind Injection; 
* Data message Forward; 
* Cross Site Scripting Scanner and POC; 
* XPath Injection Scanner and POC; 
* Auto Get Web browser cookies for authentication; 
* Output Report.


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