Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hack_x_Crack Old Notebooks


Book No. 1 
 -Create your first Trojan undetectable by antivirus 
 -FXP: no speed limit, using secondary inclusions 
 -The secrets of FTP 
 -Dodging firewalls 
 -Pass mode port mode versus 

Book No. 2 
 -Code/decode Bug (as servers hack step by step) 
 -Concealment of ip: first steps 
 -Aznar in front of the digital gestapo 

Book No. 3 

-Hiding our IP, proxy chaining 
-Proxy: hiding all our programs after the chains of proxies 
-Practices everything learned 

Book No. 4 

-Create a second Trojan undetectable and immune to virus 
-Radmin: remote administrator 2.1, a remote controller as 

Book No. 5 
 -Learn how to compile, explain necessary step before exploits 
 -Rootkits, without a defense 
 -Penetration-systems netbios netcat with options Compilation of "special" 
 -Netbios: a security hole is not recognized by microsoft 
 -The internet censored 

Book No. 6 

Visual-basic course: learning to program from 0 
-Stream Files (invisible, dangerous and executables) 
-Rippeando Divx video, The King 
-Advanced Concealment of files in windows xp 
-List of ports and facilities essential! 
-IPHXC: The third Trojan to hack x crack (part 1) 
-Tinkering with the hardware of a lan 

Book No. 7 

-Apache, The best web server 
-Transform your PC into a web server 
-The fourth Trojan Hack x Crack: The ccProxy a hidden server to anonymize our connections 
-IPHXC (second part) our third Trojan 
-The POP3 protocol insecurity: Capturing the keys to our email account First steps with IRIS (sniffando network) 
-Access by Telnet to POP3 servers, understanding the protocols 
Visual-basic course, second installment
-Rippeando (Part 2) Audio: AC3 
-Get free POP3 account 

Book No. 8 

-Linux: Perl Netcat "pipes" 
-Reverse shell, circumventing the firewall 
-Chaining programs 
Reverse-remote PCs Penetration 
-SMTP: Check internet protocols 
-Apache: Configuration, share files from your own web server 
-Playing again with the NETCAT 
RAW-SERIES: protocols 
-Visual Basic "controls arrray" "vectors" "ocx" 

Book No. 9 

-NMAP: The Best Internet scanner: installing, graphical interface, use options 
-Initiation to PORT SCANNING - Techniques "scaneo" 
-Series RAW: IRC - Internet Relay Chat 
-Chatting Telnet 
-GNU-Linux File Permissions CAT and other commands 
-APACHE-modules and virtual servers 
-Discover the protocols of "network" with us 
VISUAL BASIC - Creating libraries. Data Access 

Book No. 10 

GNU LINUX-Management-user, text editors, "VI" 
-Series Raw: Knowing and safety protocols 
-Course of Visual Basic (V) II data access, 
-XML: The Future of Data Transfer 
-Apache Part IV aces trio: APACHE-PHP-MYSQL 

Book No. 11 

Programming in GNU-Linux: Bash Scripting and C 
-Raw Series: Understanding and safety protocols; Raw 5: FTP (File transfer protocol) 
-Intrusion on local area networks, every administrator's nightmare 
-Apache part V: Configure your proxy server as a server apache 
-Validation of XML documents: DTD first part: creating DTDS 
-Course of Visual Basic (VII) Bug IIS exploit: using webbrowser 
-Augusta Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace (1815-1852) the first program 

Book No. 12 

-Exploiting FTP servers: ftp:aprende through firewalls using ftp servers and anonymizers! 
-Raw 6: FTP second part 
-Apache Web Server: Protect your apache setting it safely: restriction of access - authentication - analyzing our visitors - logs coding - htpasswd - Firewall 
-Visual Create your own cracking tool 
-Validation of XML documents: DTD second part, attributes and elements 
IIS bug-exploit, our first scanner 
-Programming in GNU / Linux application development environments and initiation unix C language 

Book No. 13 

-Manipulating XML documents: The Sun, Part 1: Theory of Sun and intterfaz DOMDocument 
Programming in GNU / Linux application development environments and initiation unix C language 
-Course of Visual Basic: a client, a need, we have a project (Part I) 
-RAW 7: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) 
-Port Scanning: Scanning ordenadoros Remote: scaneos types 

Book No. 14 

PHP-course, started programming, PHP (1) 
-Series RAW (8) DNS - Domain Name System 
-Course of Visual Basic, a customer, a need, a project (part II) 
GNU-Linux programming, application development and initiation unix environments the language C (III) 
-Handling of XML documents: The Sun Part 2. XMLDOMNODE interface (I) 
-Hijacking Techniques 

Book No. 15 

PHP-Course (II) Learn to program your own IPs generator 
XBOX-Life Series, installing Linux on an Xbox-RAW 9: MSN (Microsoft Messenger) 
-Course of Visual Basic, a customer, a need, a project (Part III) 
GNU-Linux programming, application development and initiation unix environments the language C (IV) 

Book No. 16 

PHP-Course: Learn how to handle files with PHP 
Programming in GNU Linux System Programming: The IPC system 
-Manipulating XML documents: The DOM third 
-Series XBOX LIFE: EVOLUTION X your best friend-RAW 10 - NNTP (Usenet) 

Book No. 17 

-Hacking a Windows server in 40 seconds! 
Programming in GNU Linux system programming, IPC system (II) 
-Course of TCP / IP, Introduction 
PHP-Course (4th installment) Learn to manage text strings in PHP 
XBOX LIFE-Series (III) Changing the hard drive and patching games 

Book No. 18 

-Course PHP, web form handling 
-Series XBOX LIFE (IV) Converting our xbox into a media center 
Programming in GNU Linux, shared memory 
-Course of TCP / IP (2nd delivery) The UDP transport protocol (User Datagram Protocol) 
-The language XSL, XML document transformation 
-The reality of computer viruses 

Book No. 19 

Gnu-Linux programming, message queues 
-XBOX LIFE V - Playing online for free 
-Crackeando the windows security restrictions 
-Network Security Course - IDS 
PHP-Course - Learn to manage with PHP sockets 

Book No. 20 

PHP-Course: Learn to manage sessions 
-Course of TCP / IP (3rd installment) TCP Part 1 
-Network Security Course - IDS (II) 

Book No. 21 

-Working with databases in PHP 
-Course of TCP / IP: 4th installment: TCP Part 2 
-IDS, Intrusion Detection System, third installment, SNORT output pluggins 
-XBOX LIFE VII, Creating our Slayer 

Book No. 22 

-Raiding Forums: step by step guide 
-Firewalls: What they are, how they work and how to skip them 

Book No. 23 

-How to exploit buffer overflow errors 
-Course of TCP / IP Protocol (ICMP Internet Control Message) 
Firewall-Design (Part II) 

  Book No. 24 

-The bugs and exploits, those little bugs and hell 
-Course of TCP / IP: The IP layer first part. IP addresses 
-Hacking Linux 
-Design network firewall with iptables (3rd party firewalls course) 

Book No. 25 

-The bugs and exploits, bugs and those little devils, part 
-Web Vulnerabilities, attacking the user session 
Course TCP-IP: The IP layer, part, (datagrams) 

Book No. 26 

-Shadows Internet: sniffando network - forms of detection - detection utilities 
-Ethereal: description. Capturing traffic. Setting filters. Capturing sensitive information. Secure Telnet vs. shel 
-Attacking the DNS cache 
Course TCP-IP: The IP layer 3rd party: fragmentation of datagrams 

Book No. 27 

Python-Workshop "Episode 1" 
-Workshop on Cryptography - PGP system 
TCP-IP Course: iptables protection in a corporate network 
-Buffer Overflow 
-Core Hacking 

Book No. 28 

-Hacking Estragegia, Chapter 1 
Python-Course, Chapter 2 
-Research, testing the antivirus 
-Exploiting Heap / BSS Overflows, Chapter 2 
-Programming Course C, Chapter 1 
-Workshop on Cryptography, Chapter 2 
-The "gag rule" report is CRIME 

Book No. 29 

-Hacking strategy: infiltration into a protected wireless network 
-Chapter III: Cryptography Workshop 
-Control Logs on GNU / LINUX 
-Exploitation of Format Strings, Chapter III 
-Shatter Attacks-Course C, Chapter II 
-FAQ, trivia Gmail / Google 

Book No. 30 

-Workshop on Cryptography, Chapter IV 
-Attacks on Web forms 
-The secrets of SOCKS protocol 
-Create a stepper Shellcode 
-Chapter III: Course C: Pointers and Arrays 



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